Join Hatch on a journey to a better night's sleep

Hero image - Hatch on a journey

Join Hatch on a magical, mindful journey to a better night sleep

With three Little Dreamers of our own, we know first-hand the challenges of bedtime and the importance of a good night’s sleep.

That’s why we created this unique bath to bedtime experience bringing families closer together and providing all the tools to help your Little Dreamers have the best night's sleep possible.
Bath background
We’ve had a little help from our dream expert Hatch, a lovable character we created here at bubble&dream. With his knowledge of fabulous dreams, he can’t wait for your Little Dreamer to receive their gift and for their magical journey to begin.

Hatch’s Dreamset

This unique bath to bedtime experience is centred around three key elements. The bubbly wash that will coat your Little Dreamer in magic, a soft glowing star to send their dream wishes to Hatch and a beautifully illustrated book mapping out the adventure to Dreamland.
Like all magical journeys, the adventure to Dreamland needs a spoonful of magic from us Big Dreamers too.
We wish all our Little Dreamers happy dreams and a good night's sleep.

Our approach to ingredients

With our Little Dreamers in mind, we know how important it is to keep our ingredients as close to nature as possible.  Without the use of harsh chemicals, we have created a Dreamwash gentle enough for the softest of skin and never compromising on quality that will whisk your little ones off to a place of magical make-believe.
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Chamomile is gentle yet powerful, it helps ease agitations, encourages relaxation and improves sleep quality and in Hatch’s world, this means better dreams.


Lavender settles busy little minds helping our Little Dreamers to fall asleep.


Starflower is a little-known secret containing its very own superpowers. Not only do we think it’s beautiful, it hydrates our little one’s skin and creates a natural skin barrier.

Marsh Mallow

Marshmallow root extract has a very important role here at bubble&dream, it helps create our magical bubbles whilst soothing and hydrating our Little Dreamers skin.


Ylang Ylang helps with happy thoughts and is a wonderful natural antiseptic.


Aloe Vera is incredibly gentle and because it is bursting with Vitamin E has amazing healing properties.


Frankincense  is one of our favourites here at bubble&dream. A beautiful essential oil, wonderful for balancing little ones (often temperamental) emotions.

Mindful HatchThe OX


Every second of the bubble&dream experience has been carefully considered for the well-being of our little ones. 

We understand the challenges of everyday life for Little Dreamers and big ones too. When we created Hatch, our primary objective was to create and cultivate a magical world, which encourages positivity, imagination and mindfulness. 

Mindfulness is a precious skill that will help teach our children to focus on what is going on around them. In creating these positive habits, it will encourage the positive development of their behaviour around other Little Dreamers too.
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Science Hatch

Routine leads to sleep

We all have routines that we follow every day and because of their familiarity we find them comforting, our little ones are no different. We also know our little ones need sleep however, they may not always agree with us! This is why the comforting aspect of routine at bedtime is so important.
As we all know, it can be a real challenge to get into the habit of a good bedtime routine. There is so much (almost too much) information available to us as to what makes the perfect routine and lots of pressure on us as parents to get it right.
We asked ourselves, why if the end goal was a better night’s sleep, happier children and therefore happier parents, were so many of us struggling to get into a good routine?
Trusting in our research, experience and intuition as parents, we realised if we could develop a routine that was easy and enjoyable to follow then it had more chance of success and becoming a habit.
Looking to our children for inspiration we found it was a simple case of taking things back to basics. Stripping back technology, nurturing family bonds and encouraging imagination were the simple trusted ingredients we used to create an effortless, easy to follow bedtime routine. 
Science Hatch


Creating an honest brand is something very important to us. Our impact on the environment is always at the forefront of what we do. Compromising on quality is never an option.

We aren’t perfect, but we are doing our very best to be and we are fully committed to using the eco-friendliest way to produce our products and help protect the beautiful world in which we dream.
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Our gift box, tissue paper and stickers are produced from sustainably sourced paper stock and printed with water-based inks, making them 100% recyclable, bio-degradable and compostable.
Dreamset open box
We used sustainably sourced, natural ingredients for our gorgeous wash. 98.6% naturally derived and 100% natural fragrance. Our bottles are produced using renewable sugarcane and not petro-chemicals.

This is kinder to our planet and as a bonus it is carbon neutral too. They are durable, BPA free, and a plant-based plastic that is reusable and 100% recyclable.
Hatch has a very special tree in Dreamland and he is always reminding us we must do everything we can to protect our trees.

We are very proud and have kept Hatch happy too by having the FSC logo
Hatch’s Star has been designed with love and to be loved. We have used a long-life battery with LED light providing hours of comfort.

Made from robust material and thread, it can be wiped clean and stay as fresh as a daisy even with the muckiest of pups!
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star constelationstar constelation right
star constelationstar constelation right
All our products are vegan 
And no animals have been harmed in the production of any of our products 
Hatch’s Bisox, Zed is very pleased about this!
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